Monday, January 15, 2007

Spotlight: Debbie Dardis..

Debbie began working with Tandem in September of 2004 and has since proved that she has what it takes. With 16 years of experience in staffing, Debbie was the perfect choice for ASDS in the South East.

Some of Debbie's recent accomplishments include supporting, growing, and servicing an account in Medley that eventually turned into a three shift operation for us. We have since placed a TOP manager there that happens to be the co-author of this newsletter....Ms. Eden Cain.

Centex Construction, a top billing client here in the south was on the verge of breaking their ties with Tandem. Debbie paid a visit to Centex and used her powers of persuasion to convince the client we would not fail again. Low and behold service has been astounding and we continue to service Centex on at least 90% of their job sites here in the south.

Just a little 411 on Deb that we thought you might or might not like to know, but we'll tell you anyway.

Favorite Color: Green - This indicates stability, balance, and persistence, when you start something, you finish it! You are a good citizen, a respectable neighbor, and a concerned parent. You are inclined to be frank, moral, and sensitive to social etiquette. Your reputation is highly important to you, but you do delight in hearing of the scandals of others. You are an affectionate and loyal friend, lover and spouse.

Most embarrassing moment: "I was dropped off at the hospital by a friend, and she left my car in the parking lot. When I was discharged I had no clothes so I was in a gown with no shoes."

So basically Debbie was wandering aimlessly barefoot in a hospital gown looking for her car.

Greatest achievement outside of work: Three sons...Michael 16, Matthew 12, and Morgan 18 months.